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Promotions 3+1

In the period from February 11 to December 31, 2021:

When buying 4 items from the women's and men's collections of the Basic & Fashion color, Daily, CR7 lines in one check, the 4th item from the check, which is the cheapest, is sold to the buyer in the form of a uniform discount on the entire item of the check;
- when buying 8 (eight) units of goods and more (multiple of 4) from the women's and men's collections of the Basic & Fashion lines in one check, the goods are ranked in order from the highest to the lowest price, with in each of the five products the lowest price is sold to the buyer in the form of a uniform discount on its value for the entire goods of the check;

The 3 + 1 promotion does not apply to goods participating in other promotions (off-season sale) and outlet goods.